Saturday, January 19, 2019


Welcome back!!

So I know this is the blog you have all been anxiously waiting for...

All the details about what it feels like to have two babes in there instead of one..  How this pregnancy has been different from my first singleton pregnancy... and of course... the infamous bump pics that everyone always wants to see!!

Well here it all is... :)

Week 4:

I was definitely anxious this time around to see if we hit the mark and I may have jumped the gun a bit with testing... but yep... and 4 weeks on the dot I got a positive test!!  We did it!!

4 Weeks... no bump yet!

Week 5:

So with Em I never experienced any of those pesky and sometimes terrible pregnancy symptoms... like I'm talking none!  This time I was not so lucky.  It was as though the day week 5 came I was hit in the face with the most life altering nausea you could possibly imagine... also note that I went back to work one week earlier so this was not exactly ideal timing wise.  Nothing like coming back after a leave as the worst possible version of yourself... lol.   I woke up every morning as though I drank a 40 of vodka the night before (minus the headache) and this feeling would follow me through the entire day.  Until I shoved a bagel smothered in cream cheese into my face, it would subside for all of 5 minutes before ramping right back up again.  The person who termed it "morning sickness" was a terrible human - it was not just in the morning... it was all day... and night... even during sleep.

5 Weeks... it looks like a bump - its bagels!

Week 6:

Lets just say it continued on where week 5 left off... and add on cramping and that little scare I talked all about in my last post!  So needless to say, week 6 was probably one of the worst weeks in my first trimester! Sorry... no photo this week... it was rough.

Week 7:

Nausea is still kicking it in full force with no signs of lightening up at all.  Oh well... they say that the sicker the mama the happier the babies... Right?!

7 Weeks - Bump or Bagels... who knows!?

Week 8 - 9:

This week my nausea seemed to lighten a little, and I was finally able to lay off the bagels a little which my pants were thankful for.  But... being pregnant does a major number on your immune system and lets just say that mine tanked!  Being back at work means that I was around a lot more people and of course I picked up something.  This week was just an annoying cough though which wasn't really so bad... it could have been caused by me losing my breath finding out that we were having twins... Lol!  I will say that after I found out I was expecting twins, all of the little things I noticed prior finally made sense... the intense nausea (double the hormones), the mood swings like you have never seen (thanks again hormones), the early bump (see below)... oh and did I mention the pounds? I mean those could have been due to my diet of bagels with loads of cream cheese but I choose to believe it was the two tiny little beans growing away in there... lol

8 Weeks - Okay seriously - how did I not know there were two in there?

Week 10:

Merry Christmas! We had an amazing Christmas with all of our closest family and friends!  We announced our amazing news on Christmas eve and were met with so much love and support!  Everyone was so excited for us and all that we have to look forward to this year!  As for how I was feeling... my nausea had completely disappeared but my little cough got much worse... cue bronchitis - Perfect!

10 Weeks - No growth this week, but I did lay off the bagels so... hmmm?

Week 11:

Happy New Years!  Ours wasn't exactly one of the books...  I was in bed by 7:30, red stuffy nose, headache, and an awful cough still going strong.  However,  I firmly believe that your New Years eve doesn't dictate the rest of the year... so bring on 2019!!  By the end of week 11 I felt so much better... Just in time to plan and execute Emilia's second birthday party!  Yes... I will do a full post on all things Emilia Turns 2 - Next Sunday!

Week 12:

We had an amazing birthday weekend celebrating our little princess Emilia!  Her birthday was so much fun and she had the best time playing with all the kiddles and family/friends.  Thank you so much to everyone who came out to celebrate her with us!  It was a long year but she is the strongest, most amazing little girl and I know that this year is going to be so much fun watching her grow and learn so much every day!  As for me.. I am feeling so so much better!  It seems that the babies have finally decided to chill out with the nausea and other icky symptoms - thanks babies!  Towards the middle of this week I experienced another middle of the night spotting session which led me back into the doctor and for another U/S appointment - UGH!  It was another very stressful day but at the end I learned that all is well in the Twins world! They are growing and developing right on schedule!

12 Weeks - Still about the same as at 8 weeks.. not really sure why but my pants are okay with it!
Another view of 12 Weeks!

Week 13:

This week was a good one... Lots of growing and stretching in there as the babes take another leap in their development and leave the Embryo world behind in favor of the Fetal world!  All of their major organ systems are now developed and in place and its time to start growing and getting nice and chubby for their big debut into the world in only a few short months! 

Thanks again for sharing our twinning journey here on 3 Undr 3!  Check back next Sunday for Week 14's photos and recap and check out my Youtube channel for more fun content and videos!


Nichole M

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