Saturday, January 26, 2019


Hi Everyone!

So... Its the end of Week 14 and its time to talk about those dreaded little things all of us women out there hate to even think about let alone mention...  Calories!

Lately it feels like my entire day revolves around them.  Well thats not necessarily anything new, a lot of women spend a whole lot of time counting them every. single. day. and I have admittedly been one of those women at certain times in my life - Now is one of those times!  Except now I'm not counting and hoping to stay under a certain number... now I am adding up every last one in the hopes that I can somehow make my daily (seemingly insurmountable) goal of 3500!

An unlimited calorie budget (well it feels that way) is,... Amazing.  But also completely intimidating.  Knowing that the number of little tiny things called calories that I intake each and every day has a profound impact on the health and well being of the two little humans growing rapidly inside me is scary!  There is a direct link between the quality and quantity of calories that a momma to be eats and the birthweight of her multiples... if that isn't incentive to eat I don't know what is!

In my YouTube video this week I took you through a day in my life when it comes to food.  Obviously this is just ONE day, and each of my days is different as I try to eat a variety of foods to make sure I am getting all of my nutrients and also so that I don't get bored.  But generally speaking my days consist of...

  • A breakfast protein shake
  • A breakfast meal (usually high in carbs and some form of protein)
  • A mid morning snack (and by snack I mean something with about 300-500 calories)
  • Lunch - protein, carbs and of course some healthy fats
  • A mid afternoon snack (again 300-500 calories)
  • Dinner (dinner is my favorite meal, its the largest and its usually the one where I really just have whatever I am craving that day).
  • After dinner snack (something sweet - my treat for the day; and always something dairy)  Dairy takes longer to digest but isn't hard on the stomach so it keeps you feeling full longer while you dream and it also tends to make falling asleep a little easier!

Its a lot of food, but I do my best to get it all in every single day.  My goal with this pregnancy is to gain the majority of my baby weight by 28 weeks and to not gain too much past that point.   Studies have shown that this method provides the best fetal outcomes in terms of length of pregnancy and health of the babies at birth!  So far this diet has me on track to meet my goals and hopefully produce two absolutely beautiful, big babies!  

For any of my fellow mamas to be who are interested in learning more about my diet plan and general outlook this pregnancy.  I would highly recommend picking up a copy of THIS BOOK!  It has literally been my bible this entire pregnancy and I truly believe that the information within is valuable and worth considering! 

I wish each of you another amazing week!  See you again next Sunday ... hmmm I wonder what kind of surprises I may have in store for you then... :)


Nichole M

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