Saturday, January 5, 2019


Welcome back everyone!!
Thanks so much for stopping by 3 Undr 3!  I am so glad to have you following along on this amazing journey...  I guess its time to go into a few more deets about how 3 Undr 3 came to be isn't it?  Well... lets just get right into it!

After we found out that we were pregnant I booked my 5-6 week doctors appointment, you know the usual blood work, height, weight, blood pressure (make sure you are alive and well enough to carry a baby for 9 months) check.   While there you get all the usual forms... and for anyone new to making babies, its quite the stack... Immediate blood work, 11-13 week blood work, 20 week blood work,  10 week ultrasound and 20 week ultrasound... now go get busy booking!

We booked our 10 week ultrasound for Dec. 18!  This is a day I was so looking forward to because it is the first time you get to actually see that there really is a baby in there - Eeeee!

... Pause for a minute...

At 6 weeks I started to experience some pretty intense cramping and pain.  Followed by some *very light* but still concerning spotting... so back to the Doc I went only 2 days after my first appointment.  She ordered me to go for a stat ultrasound and blood work every second day for a week to make sure everything was okay.  Obviously I was very concerned... was I losing the baby?  Did I do something wrong?  So many things go through your head and its really hard to do the one thing that I was told to do... "Relax!".

At the emergency U/S (Ultrasound) the tech was great.  She was super patient and sweet and assured me that she did find a heartbeat and that all was still well from what she could see... finally I felt a sense of relief.  I packed up my things and headed home.

Fast Forward 3.5 weeks to Dec.18... My husband Joseph met me at our local Ultrasound office and waited ever so patiently while I headed in for our long awaited "first peek"!  When I entered the room I had the same technologist as my previous - not to exciting - visit.  She asked me to please place my coat and bag on the chair next to her desk and lie down.  As I was doing so I noticed a piece of paper on the edge of the desk.... I know what your thinking... "why would you look at it?  It probably doesn't pertain to you... how rude!".  But heres the thing... this paper had a Bright Pink sticky note smack dab in the middle that had "Twin A - July 22, Twin B - July 22" written on it in black sharpie, it was kind of hard to miss!  I found myself feeling sorry for the girl who was in the room before me, assuming it belonged to her and thinking how much work she had coming her way.  HA-HA!  Thats when my eyes glanced upwards and noticed that that ominous little pink sticky... was stuck on a paper with my name on it!!... Wait, WHAT!?

The tech seemed to notice my hesitation and politely asked me to come lie down.  I turned to her and as calmly as I could manage asked her... "Am I having twins?" She seemed shocked and kind of laughed ... "well according to what we saw last time... yes!  Why did you think you were coming in today?"

Not precisely the way you should find out news like this... I laid down and had a mild to severe panic attack all the while trying to keep my outward self looking cool as a cucumber.  I mean really... I am a planner - like its my middle name, Nichole Planner Majerovich; and twins were not a part of my plan!

So hold on... before you get upset and angry at me... let me just say that my shock, terror and panic lasted about 5 minutes... then I came to the realization that our family was about to receive an incredible BLESSING! Being chosen by God to bring two more beautiful souls into this world is such an honour and I am officially beyond excited!!

Our little babes A and B at 9 weeks

Joseph... was shocked to say the least when the tech brought him back and showed him our little Miracle(s)!  It was terrific to watch his face as his brain processed all the same emotions mine had just finished reeling through... Shock, sadness, stress, acceptance, excitement and finally joy and love!!

And so began 3 Undr 3!!  I have been wanting to get back into the blog/vlog/online world for a little while now and it seems like God has challenged me to pick up where I left off and create something even better to share with each and every one of you!  I hope that 3 Undr 3 will bring a smile to your face as you read all about our little babes, all the craziness we have coming and the ups and downs of twinning with a toddler! We are so excited to have you along for the ride!

Check back next week for my first trimester overview (weeks 1-12) and of course pictures of the bump progression... because what is a maternity blog without bump pics right!?


Nichole M

YouTube video is live now!!   CLICK HERE

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I have been thinking about this for quite some time... unsure of whether or not to step out of the shadows and risk being burned on the cro...